All our suppliers sign a Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) if required. TurkeyLinks acts as an extension of your Quality and Social
Responsibility Departments and ensures all suppliers sign up to complying with your Code of Conduct and other specified accreditation and local
and international laws and regulations. Additionally, as a minimum, we ensure suppliers have ISO 9001, Sedex and sector specific
accreditations such as, for example, ISO TS 16949 for automotive parts manufacturers.
Most Turkish manufacturers having supplied the EU for decades are familiar with the tests and accreditations required
and have additional standards of ISO 14001 and OHSAS 18001 and more. Some large buyers have, of course, conducted their
own audits and accredited some companies as their "Quality Suppliers" as well.
We conduct a fresh search for every enquiry. For relatively large projects we carry out on-site audits ourselves to assess
manufacturers' resources, production control, quality of management and sustainability of the business. TurkeyLinks has
processed thousands and conducted on-site audits of hundreds of manufacturers all over Turkey in the last few years to ensure
the best match between our customers and the manufacturers.
TurkeyLinks are acutely aware of the industry structure and current labour situation in Turkey and uses its
extensive experience to ensure its products are manufactured by agile, progressive and responsive suppliers with social responsibility.